Preparing for the Solar Eclipse

On April 8, 2024, Union County will be in the path of totality for a rare solar eclipse! Here are some tips on how to prepare and safely view the eclipse. 
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What is a Solar Eclipse? 
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. It gets dark for a few minutes, and you may even see stars! On April 8, 2024 Union County will be in the path of totality. As a result, there could be 100,000+ people visiting our area to view the eclipse. 

How to safely view the Eclipse 
Do not ever look directly at the sun, especially during a Solar Eclipse. You need certified solar glasses, specifically made for viewing an eclipse. Looking directly at the sun can cause immediate, severe and permanent eye damage. You can find eclipse glasses online from many retailers. 

Plan Ahead 
With the possible influx of people in the area on that day, there are many factors to consider to ensure health and safety, and that people with disabilities are able to continue receiving needed services. 
  • Pick up needed Medications in advance, when possible, to ensure individuals have adequate supply.
  • Get groceries a few days before. With so many visitors, grocery stores could sell out of needed items and it may take a while to replenish shelves.
  • If you and/or your individuals served plan to view the eclipse, secure appropriate eye protection.
  • Fill up your gas tank. Fueling stations could run low on fuel supply with so many visitors traveling through the area.
  • Cellular phone service could go down due to the increased demand on the towers.
    • Texting may still go through, even if calls don’t.
    • Move your phone from 5g to 4g service.
    • Have a back up plan for communication.
    • This could impact remote supports if powered by cellular service
  • Due to the potential for significantly increased traffic congestion, shift changes for DSP’s may not be feasible, particularly during the hours following the eclipse. Talk with teams to establish alternative plans, if needed, to ensure health and safety needs are met.

More information 