Parent Communication Survey

Please complete this survey as soon as you can so that we know your communication preferences.
Click Here to Take the Survey

Harold Lewis Families-
We hope that you are all doing well during these challenging times. The staff at the Harold Lewis Center are working hard to support our students and families. Teachers are creating virtual classrooms where you will be able to access videos and activities to support your child’s learning. If your child is on an IEP, our therapists will also communicate with you regularly.
The best way to stay up to date with information is to follow Union County Board of Developmental Disabilities on Facebook. You can also check our website regularly ( and watch your e-mail for information from your child’s teacher, therapist of the school office.
We also need information from all of our families. Please complete this survey as soon as you can so that we know your communication preferences. Thank you for your help. please take care of yourselves and your families.

Click Here to Take the Survey