Spring Fling Pond Skim

Mad River Mountain 1000 Snow Valley, Zanesfield
Begin the day by taking a shot at traversing Mad River's 100' pond of balmy mountain-cooled water on your skis or snowboard.  Costumes are required (and must be appropriate).  The skimmer that makes it all the way across in what the judges deem to be the BEST costume wins an Anytime Season Pass!
Next, join the Cardboard Classic Sled Race.  All it takes in the fun is some cardboard, duct tape and a little creativity. Official rules include:
  • All sleds may only be created of Cardboard, Duct Tape and Zip Ties.  Decorations, paint, some of Brian's 37 pieces of flair, etc. are allowed but the "core" of the sled and sliding surface may only be created from the 3 main materials.
  • Sleds are judged on appearance first and then sliding ability.  This is completely subjective so make sure to impress them!
  • Sleds must be piloted by at least one person.  Sleds with more than one person will be considered in high regard; the more people the more points.
  • Sleds should be dropped off prior to the event at a designated time for judge viewing.
  • Prizes awarded in several categories TBD. 
For more information please visit our website.